Directory & email

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  • #5402

    For the search auto-complete, I’d like it to search through the email addresses of a custom post type, instead of registered users, and to display the title of that custom post type, instead of the email address.

    Many of the email addresses for the custom post type are not registered users on the site. Can this plugin send email to non-users? Will those non-users be able to reply with email?

    Shamim Hasan

    This plugin use user id. So non registered users can not use this plugin.
    You can create users automatically by code for your custom post types users if you need.



    I understand that non-registered users can’t use the plugin. But I’m wondering if registered users can use the plugin to simply send a message to the email address if there is not a user with that email address.

    Shamim Hasan

    This plugin need user id for both sender and receiver. So both need to be registered.
    You can customize so that registered users can send to email address. But that need custom code.



    What filters would I need to access to change that?

    Shamim Hasan

    You have to build custom extension for this. This can not be done in one line code or one function. You can use fep_switch_{$switch} action hook to show send email button in this plugin menu and then again create a form to show input field for email address, title and content. Then when post that form you can use fep_posted_action_{$action} action hook to validate that form and send email with wp_mail function.


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