Reply To: Using admin only – how can admin send emails to anyone?

Home Forums Front End PM PRO Using admin only – how can admin send emails to anyone? Reply To: Using admin only – how can admin send emails to anyone?

Shamim Hasan

You can use Role to Role block feature. Please go to Front End PM PRO > Settings > Security > Role to Role Block
Set “From Role” as any role (except Administrator as you want admin to send message ), “To Role” as “All Roles” and “Block For” as “New Message”. This block other role users from sending new message (They can send message to admin, if you set that).

For changing order add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if any) functions.php

add_filter( 'fep_menu_buttons', function( $menu ) {
    $menu['message_box']['priority'] = 1;
    $menu['newmessage']['priority'] = 2;
    $menu['announcements']['priority'] = 3;
    $menu['directory']['priority'] = 4;
    $menu['settings']['priority'] = 5;
    return $menu;
}, 50 );