Reply To: Sender receive a copy by mail

Home Forums Front End PM PRO Sender receive a copy by mail Reply To: Sender receive a copy by mail

Alfio D’Amico

Hi Shamim,
if you are an eBay user, you realize that this function is in the communication module between users.
The sender has the option if he wants to or not a copy on his own email address.
This is very useful!
I am convinced that not only we as currently, which is a classifieds site, but many others can be happy with this feature.
So if you write a code only for us is not convenient for us!
It would cost too much and will prefer look for other plugins to your other competitors.
But if you develop for your plugin and send it as an upgrade, you can only have other thousands of buyers.
So… why do not you put the good will and all your old and new users complete your plugin PRO?
In any case, however, to see how it worked your old free plugin 1.1 or 1.2 how and where can I download it?