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Tavan Eftekhar

I went ahead and tested it deleted ALL 5 uses of the wp_kses_post function for now as I’m the only one using the admin system. It seems that I can finally get the HTML to store properly in the fep settings. But when I actually go to test an email notification, the email is showing up blank because all of the html has \’s in front of quotes and apostrophes.

So for example, if my saved HTML shows as in my settings page… When I get an email that uses that HTML I get a blank email, then I check the code for that received email to see why it is blank, and I see it isn’t blank, but actually that it is trying to show me which results in nothing being shown.

I imagine I need to strip the slashes somewhere but I don’t know how or where.

How can I strip the slashes properly for when the emails are sent?
