Reply To: Choose a recipient on click

Home Forums Front End PM PRO Choose a recipient on click Reply To: Choose a recipient on click

Shamim Hasan

For message page url in email you can set “Front End PM Page” in Dashboard > Front End PM PRO > Settings > General.

To auto fill your selected users, you can use ( users do not have to be admin, you can use normal users also in that list).

If you want to pre-populate (without click), you can use , for multiple users you can pass their id’s separated by comma.

You can even use (here you can easily change value by JS).

If you want to select onclick (what you are showing in your screencast) you can use selector.tokenInput("add", {id: x, name: y}); where “id” is user id and “name” is user display name. If you want to select one recipient only, you can call selector.tokenInput("clear"); before adding.

Let me know.