Date format

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  • #32073

    Hi Shamim Dev.

    In the PM message I noticed that the date next to the message author name on the side bar does not get updated. The first msg received will be the date showing up on the sidebar next to the author name and afterward it will not get updated.

    I want the date next to the author name to get updated to the msg created date and msg replied date.

    Also the msg date format shows in human time (time in ago format) only for like an hour only after that it will show the time in clock format is it possible to keep it to human time (time in ago format) forever even after months I want the time to always be in human time (time in ago format) format. Like the time below the user offline status.

    Thank you,

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    Shamim Hasan

    Date under name should be last reply time. But it updated when next time visit the page after send a reply.
    Date format come from your settings in Dashboard > Settings > General.
    If you want to show “x ago” Then add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if you are using) functions.php

    add_filter( 'fep_formate_date', function( $h_time, $date ){
        return sprintf( __( '%s ago', 'front-end-pm' ), human_time_diff( strtotime( $date ) ) );
    }, 10, 2);
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