Hi Shamim,
First off, thanks for all your hard work getting this plugin together, it’s been very helpful.
1. My first question is about the email notifications when a new message is received. The template is displaying the html correctly, so that part is fine. However, when I use the tag {{message}} to display the full message all of the line breaks in the message have been removed.
Sample full message sent through website or email piping:
What is displayed in the message notification email:
This Is A Test
2. This is around email attachments. When someone clicks an attachment it will ask them to save the attachment. If they click the link a second time they get an error message that says, “Invalid Token”. How do I prevent that? And is there a way to just display images in a new tab and let them right click and do a “save as” if they want to keep it?
3. Also about attachment. When an attachment is uploaded a copy is kept in my media library. However, I can’t view or access the file from there. It just has a standard image placeholder and doesn’t let me see what the image or video was. Is there a way to fix that? I can monitor the messages I’d like to also monitor the attachments.
Thanks so much in advance for your help with these questions.