How to add receptian id to message body

Home Forums Front End PM PRO How to add receptian id to message body

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  • #13637
    Marko Musicki

    Is there way we can print out reception user id in message body?
    For example in admin part in settings email tab you have option to put inside new email like:
    {{subject}} = Subject
    {{message}} = Full Message
    {{message_url}} = URL of message
    {{sender}} = Sender Name
    {{receiver}} = Receiver Name
    {{site_title}} = Website title
    {{site_url}} = Website URL

    My question can we add user id there and how? we need user id from reception to be showed in message body.

    Thank you

    Shamim Hasan

    You can pass {{receiver}} and it will show receiver name. If you want to send receiver id then you need some php code. You can use fep_eb_email_legends filter hook to add your own legend.

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