In need of both Reply and ReplyAll buttons

Home Forums Front End PM PRO In need of both Reply and ReplyAll buttons

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  • #17134
    Andrew Perryman

    Hi Shamim,

    After utilising the pro fep plugin my users have come back to me with a request. They have asked for a way to singularly reply to a person within a group message stream.

    unless I have the plugin misconfigured if a message is sent (added as single recipients or if a a group is selected) to say 8 members, currently every “reply” to a specific persons question in that original message is sent to all and not just to the person asking the question. unfortunately this then generate lots of prompting emails to be sent to the other recipients of that group which I know they can de-check in their settings but then if they do that I am assuming they will not be prompted for any further new messages? This has also become a complaint to from them to me.

    is it possible as a feature request to have two buttons on the reply section “Reply” so an individual within that original message stream / group can be targeted and a “ReplyAll” so everybody receives a reply just like normal email?

    look forward to your update on this.


    Shamim Hasan

    Please go to Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Message type and select “Separate Message”.
    Now when user will send message to multiple recipient (select one by one) then everyone will receive a separate message and users can send reply separately.

    Andrew Perryman

    Hi Shamim,

    Great stuff, thanks for your reply, I can see what you mean, I will change that setting..

    Just as a heads up I got this email response to this topic in my mailbox it conflicts with you forum message – mmm seed of thought maybe your auto correct kicked in or your translate as it says chose Same Message not Separate Message as in the forum..

    Check out the copied text below… very strange.

    Thanks anyway Shamim

    shamim wrote:

    Please go to Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Message type and select “Same Message”.
    Now when user will send message to multiple recipient (select one by one) the everyone will receive a separate message and users can send reply separately.

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    Shamim Hasan

    Hi Andrew
    I wrote “Same Message” by mistake and it already sent email to subscribers. Then i corrected that in this forum.

    Forum one is correct.

    Andrew Perryman

    Cool Shamim,

    No worries Just trying to help if you had mixed messages..????

    Shamim Hasan

    Thank you.
    I really appreciate.

    Kyle Putnam

    Can you make it so that the system option “Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Message type” is default only, and that each NEW message can be selected as either type?

    For example, we have the default to be “Same Message” so that by default when anyone in the group replies, everyone sees it. However, there are times when for ONE message, we would like send email to whole group, but would like replies from any group member to come back only to the sender.

    Is this possible that you could add this feature?

    Shamim Hasan

    It require many code change.
    If you need this feature badly you can contact through

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