Invalid or expired license

Home Forums Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha PRO Invalid or expired license

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  • #41324

    I am getting an “invalid licence key” on my captcha

    Just bought the product

    Shamim Hasan

    Can you please give me a screenshot of your license page and error message?


    probably just need a refund. I did attach an image though

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    Shamim Hasan

    You need to get site key and secret key from google. Please see

    Let me know.

    If you need refund don’t worry about it. I will full refund you.


    Just a refund please. I’m not sure why you provided a key and then require another from google. You should be more explicit with the instructions.

    Shamim Hasan

    Your refund is processed.

    We provide license to provide update and support.

    But reCaptcha is a service of google. Every website needs to have keys from google to get that service. Our settings page screenshot is attached. You can see we provide instructions in multiple places how to get those keys.

    You can suggest me how we can be more explicit with that instruction so that i can provide better instructions for all users.

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