Unable to read the fields and checkbox have vanished in WP Dashboard

Home Forums Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha PRO Unable to read the fields and checkbox have vanished in WP Dashboard

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  • #42434
    Daniel Ehrat


    I wanted to use your plugin and activate Captcha for Buddypress registration form but I cannot select anymore where I would like to insert re-captcha. I am Pro user.

    Could you please help to make appear again the checkboxes or how I can acitvate Captcha for Buddypress Register page manually?

    Please see how it looks like on the attached printscreen

    Thanks for your support.


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    Shamim Hasan

    Was it showing before? It seems your that area width is too narrow. As you are pro user, can you open browser developer menu and increase width of that area and see if that helps?

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