Untranslateable text

Home Forums Front End PM PRO Untranslateable text

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Bart.
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  • #5998

    When creating a new message there is a checkbox “Send Message to admin” below the “To:” field. This text cannot be translated at https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/front-end-pm

    Please add the text to the list of translateable strings.


    See attached image.

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    Shamim Hasan

    We can not use online translation for our PRO plugin, That is for only free version. For PRO plugin there is a pot file in languages folder of PRO plugin. Please use that to translate additional string in PRO plugin.


    In the online translation pages of Front End PM there are a lot of PRO texts. And after having installed and activated Front End PM PRO (and deactivated Front End PM) my Dutch translation stays active. So the online translation CAN be used for Front End PM PRO. Just this one string is missing for translation …

    Shamim Hasan

    PRO version and free version use same text domain. So which string present in both version only those string translated. others you have to translate by using pot file supplied with PRO version.


    Please add the untranslated string to Front End PM somewhere in the greyed out PRO section, so it can be translated in the same way the other PRO texts can be translated using translate.wordpress.org

    I have made a major effort to translate 100% of the text strings for the Dutch language. All PRO texts can be translated using translate.wordpress.org but ONE because that ONE last string is not present in the none PRO version.

    Please, please add that ONE last string to the plain Front End PM version. You are making me struggle with pot, po and pm files for that last ONE string. I have payed my license, I tranlated hundreds of strings for Front End PM. Please don’t make me struggle for that last string. You would make the life of your translators much easier by adding that ONE last string to the greyed out PRO section of Front End PM so it will become available to translate by the online tooling of translate.wordpress.org.

    Shamim Hasan

    I have added that string in free version also. Please check online translation. in couple of hours it will show there and you can translate.

    When you use POT of PRO version your already translated string for free version will be there as translated. So you will not have to translate all. You will need to translate only string which is not available in free version.

    Let me know for any assistance.


    Thank you very much!!

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