Reply To: Repies not being forwarded from the piping mailbox

Home Forums Front End PM PRO Repies not being forwarded from the piping mailbox Reply To: Repies not being forwarded from the piping mailbox

Andrew Perryman

Hi Shamim,

I have asked the user what they use..

They use the Gmail app on both a fujitsu laptop and an old tower desktop both on Windows 10 with base language in French for all devices and software.

So do you think they are using a different “mime” version?

Sorry I can get any more details but both their systems had been setup for them by a friend who works in “IT” and they don’t know the devices model numbers.

Hope there is a work around for this as this user is key to the team and he has never had a successful convo on the fep system.

Let me know what you want to try next..
