Reply To: Repies not being forwarded from the piping mailbox

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Andrew Perryman

Hi Shamim,

Just a quick update for you..
I completed your request to have the un-forwarded user from the piping mail account to reply via his browser on his laptop.

we both met at the library association premises and for the first time I got to see how he accesses his email. He actually views his email via an explorer browser session.

So we both connected to wifi, on site and I sent a message to the user with the un-forwarded mail issue and he received my mail and he replied via his gmail account in his explorer browsers session. However this time his reply was processed successfully so we tried it again just to be sure and again it was processed correctly as I received his reply in my mailbox after preset 1 minute delay between messages.

The user did give indication that he connects to his neighbors wifi with permission, as they do not have their own (while waiting for a house to be built) and that his neighbor uses Satbroadband.
However I use Bigblue (previously Europasat) Satbroadband too and this has never effected my mail comms and how they get processed.

the only difference is to his normal mail logon process to today’s test is…
1. Different network (library ADSL network)
2. He has had several windows updates since his last reply.

However the test will now be to communicate with him when he is back at home on his normal wifi network and see if his replies are processed correctly be the piping mailbox.

if you require a sample copy of his reply which is in the pipe mailbox then please let me know?

I will let you know if his mails are now still being correctly routed via another test when he is back at home.

please let me know if you need a copy of the raw mail content as asked previously.
