Reply To: I would like a refund, the program is not fit for purpose. I ordered 22nd Oct

Home Forums Front End PM PRO I would like a refund, the program is not fit for purpose. I ordered 22nd Oct Reply To: I would like a refund, the program is not fit for purpose. I ordered 22nd Oct

Shamim Hasan

It can be done easily. You can follow and

1. Set 1 (or more) in Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Max Recipient
2. Go to Dashboard > Front End PM PRO > Settings > Security > Role to Role Block. Click “Add More” and select “From Role” to “Subscriber”, “To Role” to “Subscriber” and “Block for” to “New Messaage”. Then save changes. Now no subscriber role users will be able to message to another subscriber role users.

Let me know if you have any more question.