fep_shortcode_new_message_form to

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  • #45496
    Larry Cottle


    I am using the following shortcode which works well for the single post view.. However when using the shortcode in a foreach loop the the lightbox pops up with the form fields. However the form tags are stripped from the dom.

    Stripped From Form
    FORMTAG>form method=”post” action=”/dashboard/orders/?order_id=17732&_wpnonce=4695a7423a” /form<FORM TAG

    The foreach loop is a table list of Woocommerce orders. Each record does have action buttons that redirect to affect the action. I am using the shortcode as a means for the user to make contact with the consumers by clicking on the consumers display name. The shortcode is within td tags. Please note, when I doshortcode without the lightpox the message is sent on redirect after submission. What I need is the message sent via ajax in the lightbox. However the form tags are stripped from the form along with the action a wp_once.

    ” class=”editor-module-bar-btn btn-solid t-mobile-atag”><i class=”orders-click-arrow”>➦</i> <i class=”fas fa-envelope”></i> <?php esc_html_e( $display_name, ‘loext’ ); ?>

    do_shortcode(‘[lightbox id=”‘ . $fep_order_id . ‘” width=”600px” class=”loext-fep-lighbox” padding=”20px”][fep_shortcode_new_message_form to="' . $mail_to_name . '" subject="' . esc_html( 'RE: Order Number', 'loext' ) . ': ' . $fep_order_id . '" heading="' . esc_html( 'TO', 'loext' ) . ': ' . $display_name . '"][/lightbox]’);

    Good Day

    Larry Cottle

    So, the foreach loop is in a form. Nested forms are not allowed according to the HTML specification. When a form element is nested within another form element, the browser corrects the structure. As a result the form tags being removed.

    Back to the drawing board!!!

    Any suggestions to overcome my dilemma are welcomed. Otherwise Please close this ticket.

    Thank You! for your time.

    Good Day

    Shamim Hasan

    You can use https://www.shamimsplugins.com/docs/front-end-pm/shortcode/fep_shortcode_message_to/ which will redirect to message page with to and subject field per-populated.

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